The elected and appointed officials who serve the Town of Hancock are a dedicated group who put serving the public above all else. We are committed to providing exceptional citizen service at all times.
We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact us at 422-3393. We are always happy to hear from our residents.
The Town is governed by a Town Meeting and five member Board of Selectmen. The Board is elected at Town Meeting. Each member serves a 3 year term and there is no limit to the number of consecutive terms a person may be elected to.
The current Selectboard members are:
- John Bridges Jr., Chairman (2026)
- Adam C. Foster (2027)
- vacant (2025)
- William Birdsall (2026)
- Sean C. Jones (2025)
Meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the Hancock Town Office. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings. Please call Cheri to be placed on the agenda.
Town Office Personnel
The Town Hall has two full time employees and two part time employee:
Cheryl A. Robinson, Administrative Assistant/Town Clerk/Registrar of Voters/GA/
Deputy Treasurer/Deputy Tax Collector
Diane L. Simmons, Treasurer/Tax Collector/Deputy Clerk
Timothy Dunton,