When is town hall open?
Monday through Thursday, 7:00am – 4:30pm. Fridays CLOSED.
How do I contact the Town Office?
You may reach us by phone at 422-3393, by fax at 422-6705, by e-mail at hancocktownclerk@hancocktownoffice or through the feedback form on this site.
Where is the Town Office located?
The Town Office is located at 18 Point Road. Coming from Ellsworth, you will turn right onto the Point Road about 1/2 mile after Hancock Grocery and we are less than 1/2 mile down on the left. From Sullivan you will turn left after Hancock Homes and take another left at the stop sign. We are located straight ahead on the left.
When is trash pickup?
Trash is picked up curbside every Tuesday. If a major holiday such as Christmas or Labor day falls on a Tuesday, pickup will be Wednesday.
A trash sticker is required on each bag of trash. Bags can weigh up to 40 pounds. Please have bags curbside by 7:00am. Any cancellations will be posted on WLBZ 2 and WABI storm closings. Trash bags with 1/2 of a sticker will not be picked up.
How much are trash stickers?
Trash stickers are $1.50 each per sticker, in any quantity from the town office. Hancock Grocery sells these for $7.75 per sheet (5 stickers)- they only sell per sheet and must be cash payment.
Where can I purchase trash stickers?
Stickers can be purchased at the Town Office and at Hancock Grocery.
Does the Town have a recycling program?
No. Coastal Recycling was a joint facility that closed in 2019. You can contact the City of Ellsworth to ask if you can use their facility. Please note that our curbside trash is not simply landfilled- it is burned at PERC in Orrington and generates electricity. While it is not a formally recognized form of recycling, it does get repurposed.
What can I bring to the Transfer Station?
Things such as glass (broken car windows & mirrors) old furniture, mattress, plaster, sheetrock, etc. can be disposed of at the DM & J facility in Ellsworth.
Some items may have a disposal fee. .
Does my dog need to be registered and how often?
All dogs over 6 months of age must be registered at the Town Office. The fees are $6.00 for spayed/neutered dogs and $11.00 for unaltered dogs.
Dogs are required to be registered every year between October 15th and February 1st. If your dog has not been registered by February 1st a $25.00 late fee will be added to the registration fees per dog.
Residents who do not live in Hancock year round still need to register their dogs with the town if they are here more than 10 consecutive days in any calendar year.
What will the excise tax be on the vehicle I just purchased?
We do not quote excise tax over the phone. However, if our time allows, we may do so. We will not do quotes over the phone the week preceeding or after any election, local or state. You may bring your paperwork in and we can run the information to tell you what it will cost but you must be present in the office to do this. If you do not want to come in before you are ready to register you can use the following table to calculate the excise tax yourself:
You will need the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) of the vehicle (This is NOT the purchase price) and the year of the vehicle. You can find the MSRP on the window sticker, and sometimes on the blue title application. If you use the window sticker you can subtract the ‘destination fee’ from the MSRP as we do not assess tax on that amount.
*Example- MSRP $40,000.00 with a destination of $1,500.00= $38,500.00 taxable.
To calculate the estimate of your excise total, please see the chart Here.
Please keep in mind that excise tax is only a portion of what you pay to register a ‘new’ or ‘new to you’ vehicle. If you are transferring old plates, you MUST have the registration from those plates.
Registration fee for standard cars and trucks is $35.00
Title application fee is $33.00
Agent fees are $3 to $4 depending on what town office you visit.
Sales Tax is 5.5% of your purchase price.
What do I need to register my vehicle?
- A re-registration (one that has been registered by our office before) only requires proof of insurance, mileage and old registration.
- If you are registering a vehicle previously registered in another town we will need proof of insurance as well as the old registration for vehicle information.
- For a private sale vehicle – first registration- You will NEED the bill of sale, current insurance, title application for any vehicle year 1995 and newer, and a sales tax form. These forms are available in our office.
- For a dealer sale vehicle – first registration- You will NEED proof of insurance, the paperwork showing sales tax has been paid, the blue title application form showing proof of application for title in your name.
- If you intend to use plates you already have you MUST bring the old registration that goes with those plates. We have to have it to transfer any credit. If they are already expired the old registration is helpful but not necessary as long as you know the plate number and class code.
What is the number to the Hancock Post Office?
Hancock Post Office is 422-6259
Can I pay my taxes in payments?
We will always accept payments toward your tax bill. Even if the bill has not yet been issued, payments will show as a credit on your account and be reflected on your tax bill when it is mailed in August.
How do I get a vital record?
- For marriage records- you had to have lived in Hancock OR filed in Hancock OR got married in Hancock.
- For Birth records- These are filed where the mother lived, and in the town the child was born.
- For Death records- These are filed in the town the person died, and the town they lived.
Written applications and proof of current state issued non expired ID are required. Click Here for the application. You MUST be ON THE RECORD in order to be found eligible to get copies. If you are not on the record you must prove geneology. If you are unsure of how to do this, please call us and we can help you.
If you are getting married, you must be physically present in the office (both parties), with ID’s, documents of any former marriages, and these are done by appointment only. Call the office for scheduling. The Clerk has the right to not schedule appointments on Friday’s due to the shorter work day, office needs, and time of marriage filing.
What if I have a complaint?
Has your mailbox been plowed over? Do you have a concern for a road issue like potholes or backed up culverts? Are you being bothered by stray animals or maybe your neighbors pet likes to visit? Let us know, so we can help you. Fill out the complaint/suggestion form here and email it to us at hancocktownclerk@hancocktownoffice.com, drop it off, or put in the mail. Issues regarding traffic to include speed, noise, and frequency can be made known to the Town via this form, however, we are not an enforcement agency of the laws for driving. These concerns should also be addressed with the local Sheriffs Office.